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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Bigtaus Information Technologies A.S.

This policy outlines the information we process to support LetsParky and other products and features offered by Bigtaus Information Technologies A.S. (LetsParky Products or Products). Additional tools and information can be found in the LetsParky settings.

Credentials of Data Controller
Bigtaus Information Technologies A.S. registered in the Ankara Trade Registry with the registration number 1700545262 and the Mersis number 0170054526200001, resident at Ayranci Mah. Hosdere Cad. 16/C Cankaya Ankara, Turkiye. 
I. What types of information do we collect?
To provide LetsParky Products, we must process information about you. The type of information we collect depends on how you use our Products. You can learn how to access and delete the information we collect by visiting the LetsParky settings.
Information you and others do and provide:

  1. Information and content you provide: We collect content, communications, and other information you provide when using our Products, including when you sign up for an account, create or share content, and message or communicate with others. This can include information in or about the content you provide (e.g., location, photos, device names), such as the location of a photo or the date a file was created. It can also include what you see through features we provide, such as our camera. Our systems automatically process content and communications you and others provide to analyze context and what's in them for the purposes described below. Learn more about how you can control who can see the things you share.

  2. Data with special protections: You may choose to provide information in your LetsParky profile fields or life events about your religious views, political views, who you are "interested in," or your health. This and other information (such as racial or ethnic origin, philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership) could be subject to special protections under the laws of your country.

  3. Networks and connections: We collect information about the people, accounts, hashtags, LetsParky groups, and pages that you are connected to and how you interact with them across our Products, such as the people you communicate with the most or groups you are part of. We also collect contact information if you choose to upload, sync, or import it from a device (such as an address book, call log, or SMS log history), which we use for helping you and others find people you may know and for the other purposes listed below.

  4. Your usage: We collect information about how you use our Products, such as the types of content you view or engage with, the features you use, the actions you take, the people or accounts you interact with, and the time, frequency, and duration of your activities. For example, we log when you're using and have last used our Products. We also collect information about how you use features like our camera, Auto-Unblock, Invite, and Liked devices.

  5. Information about transactions made on our Products: If you use our Products for purchases or other financial transactions, we collect information about the purchase or transaction. This includes payment information, such as your credit or debit card number and other card information, other account and authentication information, billing, delivery, and contact details.

  6. Things others do and information they provide about you: We also receive and analyze content, communications, and information that other people provide when they use our Products. This can include information about you, such as when others share their devices with you, send a message to you, or upload, sync, or import your contact information.

Device Information

As described below, we collect information from and about the computers, phones, connected car consoles, and other web-connected devices that integrate with our Products, and we combine this information across different devices you use. For example, we use information collected about your use of our Products on your phone to better personalize the content or features you see when you use our Products on another device, such as your laptop or tablet.
Information we obtain from these devices includes:

  1. Device attributes: information such as the operating system, hardware and software versions, battery level, signal strength, available storage space, browser type, app and file names and types, and plugins.

  2. Device operations: information about operations and behaviors performed on the device, such as whether a window is in the foreground or background, or mouse movements (which can help distinguish humans from bots).

  3. Identifiers: unique identifiers, device IDs, and other identifiers or other identifiers unique to LetsParky Products associated with the same device or account.

  4. Device signals: Bluetooth signals, information about nearby Wi-Fi access points, beacons, and mobile phone masts.

  5. Data from device settings: information you allow us to receive through device settings that you turn on, such as access to your GPS location, camera, or photos.

  6. Network and connections: information such as the name of your mobile operator or ISP, language, time zone, mobile phone number, IP address, connection speed, and, in some cases, information about other devices that are nearby or on your network, so we can do things like helping you manage LetsParky Products.

  7. Cookie data: data from cookies stored on your device, including cookie IDs and settings. Learn more about how we use cookies in the LetsParky Cookies Policy.

Information from Partners

Advertisers, app developers, and publishers can send us information through LetsParky Tools they use, our APIs and SDKs. These partners provide information about your activities off our Products – including information about your device, websites you visit, purchases you make, the ads you see, and how you use their services – whether or not you have an account or are logged in to our Products. For example, a game developer could use our API to tell us what games you play, or a business could tell us about a purchase you made in its store. We also receive information about your online and offline actions and purchases from third-party data providers who have the rights to provide us with your information.

Partners receive your data when you visit or use their services or through third parties they work with. We require each of these partners to have lawful rights to collect, use, and share your data before providing us with any data. Learn more about the types of partners we receive data from.
To learn more about how we use cookies in connection with LetsParky Tools, review the LetsParky Cookies Policy.
II. How do we use this information?
We use the information that we have (subject to choices you make) as described below to provide and support the LetsParky Products and related services described in the LetsParky Terms. Here's how:

Provide, personalize, and improve our Products: We use the information we have to deliver our Products, including personalizing features and content and making suggestions for you on and off our Products. To create personalized Products that are unique and relevant to you, we use your connections, preferences, interests, and activities based on the data we collect and learn from you and others; how you use and interact with our Products; and the people, places, or things you're connected to and interested in on and off our Products. Learn more about how we use information about you to personalize your LetsParky experience, including features, content, and recommendations in LetsParky Products.

Information across LetsParky Products and devices: We connect information about your activities on different LetsParky Products and devices to provide a more tailored and consistent experience on all LetsParky Products you use, wherever you use them. For example, we can suggest that you join a group on LetsParky that includes people you interact with on other LetsParky Products.

Location-related information: We use location-related information, such as your current location, where you live, the places you like to go, and the businesses and people you're near, to provide, personalize, and improve our Products, including ads, for you and others. Location-related information can be based on things like precise device location (if you've allowed us to collect it), IP addresses, and information from your and others' use of LetsParky Products (such as check-ins or events you attend).

Product research and development: We use the information we have to develop, test, and improve our Products, including conducting surveys and research, and testing and troubleshooting new products and features.

Ads and other sponsored content: We use the information we have about you, including information about your interests, actions, and connections, to select and personalize ads, offers, and other sponsored content we show you. Learn more about how we select and personalize ads and your choices over the data we use to select ads and other sponsored content for you in the LetsParky Settings.

Providing measurement, analytics, and other business services: We use the information we have (including your activity off our Products, such as the websites you visit and ads you see) to help advertisers and other partners measure the effectiveness and distribution of their ads and services, and understand the types of people who use their services and how people interact with their websites, apps, and services. Learn how we share information with these partners.

Promoting safety, integrity, and security: We use the information that we have to verify accounts and activity, combat harmful conduct, detect and prevent spam and other bad experiences, maintain the integrity of our Products, and promote safety and security on and off LetsParky Products. For example, we use data that we have to investigate suspicious activity or violations of our Terms or Policies, or to detect when someone needs help.

Communicate with you: We use the information that we have to send you marketing communications, communicate with you about our Products, and let you know about our Policies and Terms. We also use your information to respond to you when you contact us.

Researching and innovating for social good: We use the information we have (including from research partners we collaborate with) to conduct and support research and innovation

Law enforcement or legal requests: We share information with law enforcement or in response to legal requests in the circumstances outlined below.
III. How do LetsParky Companies work together?
LetsParky shares infrastructure, systems, and technology with its associated companies to provide an innovative, relevant, consistent, and safe experience across all LetsParky Products. We also process information about you across the LetsParky Companies (including Bigtaus Information Technologies A.Ş.) for these purposes, as permitted by applicable law and in accordance with their terms and policies. For instance, we may analyze user behavior and interactions across various LetsParky Products to improve our services and user experience.

IV. How can I manage or delete information about me?
We provide you the ability to access and delete your data. Learn more in your LetsParky website support page.
We store data until it is no longer necessary to provide our services and LetsParky Products or until your account is deleted – whichever comes first. This is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on factors such as the nature of the data, why it is collected and processed, and relevant legal or operational retention needs. When you delete your account, you won't be able to recover this information later. To delete your account at any time, please visit the LetsParky website support page.
V. How do we respond to legal requests or prevent harm?
We access, preserve, and share your information with regulators, law enforcement, or others:

  • In response to a legal request when we have a good-faith belief that the law requires us to do so.

  • When we have a good-faith belief that it is necessary to detect, prevent, and address fraud, unauthorized use of our Products, breaches of our Terms or Policies, or other harmful or illegal activity; to protect ourselves, you, or others; or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm.

VI. How do we operate and transfer data as part of our global services?
We share information globally, both internally within LetsParky Companies and externally with our partners and those you connect and share with around the world, in accordance with this policy. Your information may be transferred or transmitted to, stored, and processed in countries outside of where you live for the purposes described in this Policy. These data transfers are necessary to provide the services set forth in the LetsParky Terms and to globally operate and provide our Products to you. We utilize standard contract clauses and obtain your consent for these data transfers to the United States and other countries.

VII. How will we notify you of changes to this Policy?
We'll notify you via notifications in LetsParky App before we make changes to this Policy and give you the opportunity to review the revised Policy before you choose to continue using our Products.
VIII. How to contact us with questions
You can learn more about how privacy works on LetsParky. If you have questions about this policy, you can contact us as described below.
You can contact us online or by writing to:
Bigtaus Information Technologies A.S.
Ayranci Mah. Hosdere Cad. 16/C Cankaya Ankara, Turkiye. 
0090 850 885 24 48

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